Do you charge more than the tennis resorts, camps, and academies?

We request the best prices available from all venues and pass them directly onto you without any markup. We do not apply a "booking fee" or "agent fee" in order to ensure we can offer the most competitive prices to you. We believe you should not pay more when booking through us.

In what currency do you charge?

US Dollars, including all relevant taxes unless stated differently, or in a confirmation email provided to you.

Why are the same packages priced differently during different times of the year?

Most of the prices displayed on the website are fixed prices provided by the venue. Some packages that include accommodation have variable prices based on the availability and seasonality of the relevant accommodation.

Where this is the case, we recommend you contact us using the contact us button on the package profile and request a current quote for your preferred dates.  In such event, we will contact the venue and obtain the best rate available at the time of the enquiry. 

Why is it that sometimes I pay a deposit, and sometimes I pay a full amount?

A deposit or full payment is required depending on the package based on the terms and conditions of each venue. 

Are your online payments secure?

Yes! We utilise a third party, Stripe, which processes secure online payments. You may read more about Stripe (including their terms of use and privacy policy) at 

What if I want to cancel a booking?

Please familiarise yourself with the Terms and Conditions of the venue before submitting a booking request as some packages are not eligible for cancellation or change. By submitting a booking request, you agree to their Terms and Conditions (including any cancellation, prepayment and no-show policy). The general cancellation and no-show policy of each venue is made available on every package.